RG4 5BPTunawomba watanzania wote mjitokeze kwa wingi ili kumkaribisha Balozi wetu. Kuja kwenu ndio kufakisha kwa ziara hii muhimu, tafadhali mjulishe mwenzio.Ratiba Rasmi ya ziara kamili itatolewa baadaye.
Asanteni kwa ushirikiano wenu,
MwenyekitiTanz- UK
Press release
Embargoed until 00.01am Thursday 31 March 2011
Conservative Government cuts you more. Labour councils cost you less
The Labour Party launches its 2011 local election campaign tomorrow with a pledge to be people’s voice in tough times, alongside new research which shows the Tory-led Government’s cuts to local authorities will hit the average two adult household with children by £182 in 2011/12.
Tory-led Government cuts to funding to local authorities mean that in 2011/12 the Revenue Spending Power (RSP) of local authorities will fall by £2,480,900,000 [1].
The population in England is 51,809,000 [2]
The average cut per person this year is £47.88 [3]
The cut for the average two adult household with children is £182 [4]
Meanwhile, analysis of local authority council tax charges for 2011/12 shows that Labour councils charge council taxpayers on average £207 less than Tory councils and £40 less than Lib Dem councils [5]
As the cuts made in Downing Street begin to bite in streets and communities Labour councillors will tomorrow pledge to speak up for their local areas against the Tory-led Government’s unfair policies.
Ed Miliband MP, Leader of the Labour Party, said:
“Labour launches our election campaign with a clear pledge to people across the country: we will be your voice in tough times.
“Cuts designed by David Cameron and Nick Clegg are coming direct from Downing Street to your street. Families in every part of the country will be hit by these unfair cuts.
“Areas with the greatest need are being asked to bear the greatest burden. The worst off areas are being hit the hardest while the average family will be hit much harder than people in David Cameron’s constitue ncy.
“Labour will be your community’s first line of defence against the damage being done by a Conservative-led Government and their Liberal Democrat allies.
“Labour’s record is clear: Labour councils cost you less, with council tax bills on average £207 lower than Tory authorities."
Labour has produced a local elections document - ‘Labour: Your voice in tough times’ – which sets out the case for voting Labour on May 5th. To read a copy click here: http://www.labouremail.org.uk/taomail/uploads/51fc41c9-3845-d414-0177-0e14d6080284.pdf
To see the full list of Revenue Spending Power reductions per head of population by local authority click here: http://www.labouremail.org.uk/taomail/uploads/755c01f3-6961-3c24-896f-ab093aaff938.pdf
Editor's notes:
1. http://www.local.communities.gov.uk/finance/1112/grant.htm
2. http://www.statistics.gov.uk/statbase/product.asp?vlnk=15106
3. Total Revenue Support Grant reduction for 2011/12 divided by ONS population figure
4. The average two adult hous ehold with children consists of 3.8 people (Source: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/census2001/profiles/commentaries/housing.asp). 3.8 multiplied by £47.88 is £181.94
5. http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/corporate/statistics/counciltax201112
Additional Background information:
Labour has compiled a research document detailing the fall in each local authority’s Revenue Spending Power (RSP) per head of population following the Tory-led Government’s frontloaded cuts (to see the document click here: http://www.labouremail.org.uk/taomail/uploads/755c01f3-6961-3c24-896f-ab093aaff938.pdf). Our figures are based on local authority population data from the Office of National Statistics, and the Department for Communities and Local Government’s own Local Government Funding Settlement figures. Revenue Spending Power figures are available at: http://www.local.communities.gov.uk/finance/1112/spannexas.xls
To ensure a like-for-like comparison between unitary authorities and two-tier local government areas, RSP cuts figures for district and county councils in two-tier areas have been combined.
The figures disregard the Government’s temporary “transition grant” which will only provide a relatively small cushion in the first two years – after which councils will lose this funding stream as well:
“However, the Government has decided to take account of the reduction in revenue spending power for local authorities, reflecting the combined effect of changes to individual revenue grants and the extent to which i ncome from council tax will be available to each authority. It will do so by means of a Transition Grant which will help those authorities most affected by reductions in spending power to plan for those reductions. No transitional grant will be paid after 2012-13.”
DCLG guidance, http://www.local.communities.gov.uk/finance/1112/tgexplain.pdf
We have provided a national average figure for the next two years, based on figures the 2001 Census household size figures from ONS, and the same Department for Communities and Local Government’s own funding figures and shows that the average cuts per head in RSP (including fire) in 2011/12 will be £47.88 – this is equivalent to a cut of £181.94 for the average two adult household with children of 3.8 people (Source: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/census2001/profiles/commentaries/housing.asp).
The figures show the uneven effects of the Government’s cuts to local authority funding. Areas like Birmingham, Hastings, Great Yarmouth, Fenland, Croydon, Brighton and Hove, Thanet, Southampton, Slough, Sandwell, Redcar-and-Cleveland, Portsmouth, Leicester hit much harder than residents in David Cameron’s Witney constituency, covered by West Oxfordshire District Council and Oxfordshire County Council.
To see the cuts depicted on a map of England please click here: http://www.labouremail.org.uk/taomail/uploads/55ce6b8c-f287-95f4-d150-a26dc5c447c7.pdf
To see the full list of Revenue Spending Power reductions per head of population by local authority click here: http://www.labouremail.org.uk/taomail/uploads/755c01f3-6961-3c24-896f-ab093aaff938.pdf
The table below shows the average council tax per dwelling in councils controlled by each party, (based on control of the top-tier county council in 2 tier areas). It demonstrates that that in areas where Labour controls the unitary or top-tier local authority, households pay on average £207 less per year than those living in Tory top-tier local authority areas and £40 less than those in Lib Dem top-tier local authority areas.
Top tier/ unitary control Average council tax per dwelling
LAB £1,098
CON £1,305
LD £1,138
NOC £1,105
Labour has produced a local elections document - ‘Labour: Your voice in tough times’ – which sets out the case for voting Labour on May 5th. To read a copy click here: http://www.labouremail.org.uk/taomail/uploads/51fc41c9-3845-d414-0177-0e14d6080284.pdf
For more information, please contact the Labour Party press office on
020 7783 1393.
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