Press release
Friday 24 September 2010
For immediate use
Ken Livingstone wins race to be Labour’s candidate for next London Mayor
Ken Livingstone was today declared as Labour's candidate to be the next Mayor of London.
The ballot was conducted by Electoral Reform Services.
Ken Livingstone said:
"We need a Mayor who will stand up for London.
"The choice between me and Boris Johnson could not be clearer. I will protect the fare payer. After Boris Johnson’s unnecessary fare increases that go hand in hand with cuts to investment we need fairer fares. I promise that fares under my administration will be lower than if Boris Johnson is re-elected.
"Today’s decision by London Labour members signals the start of a campaign to change London for the better and to protect Londoners from the cuts of this government that threaten to wreck lives and push us back into recession.
"I will unite Londoners around this message.
"The London election in 2012 will be the chance to send a message to David Cameron and George Osborne that we don’t want devastating cuts to our public services, fewer jobs, and declining living standards.
"If you want them out, first vote Boris out."
Harriet Harman, Acting Leader of the Labour Party, declaring the result this morning, said:
"Ken is the decisive choice for Labour's candidate to stand for London Mayor. He has the backing of London's growing Labour Party membership, Labour's growing team of London councillors and London's Labour MPs.
"He will win the backing of all Londoners who want London to be a safe, prosperous, fair city. He will provide leadership to communities across London who are threatened by Tory spending cuts.
"Oona has won the admiration of Londoners. She will play a vital part in Labour's campaign for London and a leadership role in Labour politics in the future."
Ken Livingstone won 68.6 per cent of the votes cast and Oona King won 31.4 per cent. A breakdown of results is below in Editor's notes.
Editor's notes:
1. The votes break down as follows:
Ken Livingstone
68.6 % - Overall percentage across both ballots of individual London Labour Party members and individual members of the London Labour Party's affiliates, of which:
32.97 % - Ballot of individual London Labour Party members (50% of electoral college)
35.634 % - Ballot of individual members of organisations affiliated to London Labour Party (50% of electoral college)
Oona King
31.4 % - Overall percentage across both ballots of individual London Labour Party members and individual members of the London Labour Party's affiliates, of which:
17.03 % - Ballot of individual London Labour Party members (50% of electoral college)
14.366 % - Ballot of individual members of organisations affiliated to London Labour Party (50% of electoral college)
2. Labour won more votes in London than the Tories at the General Election and was elected to serve the public in 17 out of London's 32 councils on the same day, 10 more councils than Labour was running last year.
3. More than 8,000 new members have joined Labour in London since the General Election.
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