Sunday, 16 January 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011 – Martin Luther King Birthday Holiday

Tuesday, January 18, 2010

WHEN: 12:15 p.m.

WHAT: New America Foundation discussion on “Ricardo Revisited: Sino-American Trade and Economic Conflict.” Speaker: Ricardo Revisited: Sino-American Trade and Economic Conflict.

WHERE: New America Foundation, 1899 L Street NW Suite 400, Washington D.C.

CONTACT: 202-986-2700; web site:


WHEN: 12:30 p.m.

WHAT: Institute for Inclusive Security event on “A New Approach to Ending and Preventing Wars - Women Mediators.” Speaker: B. Lynn Pascoe, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, United Nations.

WHERE: Renaissance Washington Hotel, 1127 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC.

CONTACT: Jaime Horn, 917-523-0705 or; web site:

WHEN: 2:00 p.m.
WHAT: The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) Discussion on "China's Expanding Role in Latin America: Displacing U.S. Leadership?"
Speakers: R. Evan Ellis of the National Defense University; and Michael Mazza and Roger Noriega of AEI
WHERE: AEI, 1150 17th Street NW, Wohlstetter Conference Center, 12th Floor, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Veronique Rodman, 202-862-4871, ; web site:
NOTE: Register online:

WHEN: 2:00 p.m.

WHAT: Brookings Institution discussion on “Deadly Embrace: Pakistan, America and the Future of Global Jihad.” Speakers: Kenneth M. Pollack, Director, Saban Center for Middle East Policy; Bruce Riedel, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy; Karl Inderfurth, Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, Center for Strategic and International Studies.

WHERE: Falk Auditorium, Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington D.C.

CONTACT:; 202-797-6105; web site:


WHEN: 2:00 p.m.
WHAT: The U.S. Census Bureau Conference call briefing to discuss the new "American FactFinder," a tool to access a wide range of Census Bureau statistics.
Speakers: Arnold Jackson, Associate Director of Decennial Census at the U.S. Census Bureau; Stan Rolark, Chief of the Public Information Office at the U.S. Census Bureau; and Jeff Sisson, program manager of the Data Access and Dissemination System Office at the U.S. Census Bureau
CONTACT: 301-763-3030, ; web site:
NOTE: Call-in, 800-369-3324; password, CENSUS. An online presentation will also be available:

WHEN: 6:30 p.m.
WHAT: The Newseum; the Eisenhower Institute of Gettysburg College; and the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum Event tot commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address with a film screening and panel discussion.
Speakers: Journalists Dana Priest and Evan Thomas; James Fallows, national correspondent at the Atlantic; and David Gergen of the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum
WHERE: The Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-628-4444; web site:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WHEN: 7:30 a.m.
WHAT: The U.S. Conference of Mayors holds its 79th winter meeting:
- 9 a.m.: Regina Labelle, senior policy adviser at the Office of National Drug Control Policy at the White House; Joy Cooper, mayor of Hallandale Beach; and Marcia Lee Taylor, vice president of government affairs at the Partnership at, deliver remarks
- 4:30 p.m.: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack; Pamela Hyde, administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at the Health and Human Services Department; and James Schmitt, mayor of Green Bay, Wis., participate in a meeting of the Children, Health and Human Services Standing Committee
- 4:30 p.m.: Education Secretary Arne Duncan; Assistant Labor Secretary Jane Oates; and Francis Slay, mayor of St. Louis, Mo., participate in a meeting of the Jobs, Education, and the Workforce Standing Committee
- 4:30 p.m.: Transportation Undersecretary for Policy Roy Kienitz; Jim Tymon, staff director of highways and transit at the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee; and Kasim Reed, mayor of Atlanta, Ga., participate in a meeting of the Transportation and Communications Standing Committee
WHERE: Capital Hilton Hotel, 1001 16th Street NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Elena Temple, 202-309-4906,; or Carlos Vogel, 202-257-9797,; web site:
NOTE: All media must register online:

WHEN: 8:30 a.m.

WHAT: U.S. Institute of Peace discussion on “Reykjavik to New START.”

Highlights –

Examples from past U.S.-Soviet/Russia interactions and how the lessons learned can be applied to current and future challenges.

Monitoring and verification needs in the future.

Scientists’ role in enhancing security communication and confidence between and among countries

WHERE: Keck Center of the National Academies, 500 Fifth St., NW, Washington D.C.

CONTACT: Allison Sturma,; Lauren Sucher, in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications. 202-457-1700; web site:

WHEN: 8:45 a.m.
WHAT: The National Academy of Sciences; and U.S. Institute of Peace Symposium to explore the role of the scientific community in supporting international nuclear security.
Speakers: William Perry, professor at Stanford University; and Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance Rose Gottemoeller
WHERE: National Academies, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Room 100, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-334-2138; web site:

WHEN: 9:00 a.m.
WHAT: AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Address on "America's Choices: Why the Conventional Wisdom is Wrong" and details the choices elected leaders across the country are facing.

WHERE: National Press Club, 14th and F Streets NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Josh Goldstein, 202-637-5018; web site:
NOTE: RSVP to Josh Goldstein at

WHEN: 9:30 a.m.
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Discussion on "Mainstreaming Gender in the Military and the Security Sector: The Role of Civil Society."
Speakers: Shannon Beebe, senior Africa analyst at the Office of the United States Army Chief of Staff, Intelligence; Col. Birame Diop, Director of the African Institute for Security Sector Transformation; Col. David Walton, Department Chief of the Directorate of Regional Studies and Education at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School; and Kathleen Kuehnast, Director of the Gender and Peacebuilding Center at USIP
WHERE: USIP, 1200 17th Street NW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725,; web site: NOTE: RSVP required.

WHEN: 9:30 a.m.
WHAT: Gallup holds a 2011 global employment forum to unveil new measurements for tracking employment worldwide.
Speakers: Former Assistant Treasury Secretary for Economic Policy Alan Krueger; Sara Elder, economist at the International Labour Organization; Jon Clifton, Deputy Director of the Gallup World Poll; and Ahmed Younis, Director of Strategic Partnerships and Communications at Silatech
WHERE: Gallup Building, 901 F Street NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Eric Nielsen, 202-715-3030,; web site:
NOTE: RSVP to Krista Volzke at 402-938-6001, Krista, or online:

WHEN: 10:30 a.m.
WHAT: House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on "Assessing China's Behavior and its Impact on U.S. Interests."
Witnesses: Larry Wortzel, Commissioner on the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission; and Yang Jianli, President of Initiatives for China and a Harvard fellow
WHERE: Room 2200 Rayburn House Office Building
CONTACT: 202-225-5021; web site:

WHEN: 10:30 a.m.
WHAT: The Center for American Progress (CAP) Discussion on "Return on Educational Investment-A District-by-District Evaluation of U.S. Education Productivity." Speakers: Deputy Assistant Education Secretary for Innovation and Improvement Jim Shelton; CAP President and CEO John Podesta; Ulrich Boser, senior fellow at CAP; Jacob Adams, professor of education at Claremont Graduate University; Eugene Chasin, senior vice president of Say Yes to Education; and Cynthia Brown, vice president of education policy at CAP
WHERE: CAP, 1333 H Street NW, 10th Floor, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Megan Smith, 202-741-6346,; web site:

WHEN: 10:30 a.m.
WHAT: Woodrow Wilson Center (WWC) discussion on “Can Women Help Make Peace Agreements Sustainable? Speakers: Jacques Paul Klein, Former United Nations Secretary General’s Special Representative and Coordinator of United Nations Operations, Liberia; Suaad Allami, Director, Sadr City Women’s Center and Legal Clinic, Iraq; Luz Mendez, Member of the Advisory Council of the Global Fund for Women, Guatemala; Alice Nderitu, National Cohesion and Integration Commission, Kenya; Roxana Cristescu, Project Manager and Mediation Adviser, Crisis Management Initiative; Carla Koppel, Director, Institute for Inclusive Security.
WHERE: 6th Floor Moynihan Board Room, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington D.C.

CONTACT: 202-691-4000; web site:


WHEN: 11:00 a.m.

WHAT: Heritage Foundation discussion on “The State Department and Internet Freedom: All Talk and Little Action.” Speakers: David Keyes, Director,; Amir Abbas Fakhravar, Research Fellow, Institute of World Politics; Robert Guerra, Director, Internet Freedom, Freedom House; and Ken Berman, Manager, Anti-Censorship Program, International Broadcasting Bureau

WHERE: Lehrman Auditorium, 214 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington D.C.

CONTACT: Andrew Parks,; 202-546-4400; web site:


WHEN: 12:00 p.m.
WHAT: The Middle East Institute (MEI) Discussion on "America's 'War on Terror' after Iraq and Afghanistan."
Speaker: Mark Katz, professor of government and politics at George Mason University
WHERE: MEI, Boardman Room, 1761 N Street NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-785-1141; web site:
NOTE: RSVP to with your name and affiliation.

WHEN: 12:00 p.m.
WHAT: The Cato Institute Briefing on "The 112th Congress and Military Spending."
Speakers: Benjamin Friedman, research fellow of defense and homeland security studies at the Cato Institute; Christopher Preble, Director of Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute; Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform; and Kurt Couchman, manager of government affairs at the Cato Institute
WHERE: Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW, F.A. Hayek Auditorium, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-789-5200; web site:
NOTE: Register online:

WHEN: 12:30 p.m.
WHAT: The Hudson Institute Discussion on "The Organization of the Islamic Conference: Fatwas on Freedom and Democracy." Speakers: Mark Durie, human rights activist; and Nina Shea, senior fellow of the Hudson Institute
WHERE: Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street NW, Sixth Floor, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-223-7770; web site:

WHEN: 12:30 p.m.
WHAT: The Brookings Institution Conference on "Beyond a Global Deal - A 'United Nations Plus' Approach to Climate Governance."

WHERE: Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-797-6105,; web site:

WHEN: 12:30 a.m.

WHAT: Brookings Institution Discussion on “Repealing Health Care Reform: A Live Chat with Henry Aaron.” Speaker: Henry J. Aaron

Senior Fellow, Economic Studies

CONTACT:; 202-797-6105; web site:

NOTE: Advance questions can be submitted to .

WHEN: 2:00 p.m.
WHAT: The Center for Global Development Event to celebrate United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Raj Shah's one-year anniversary at USAID. Administrator Shah will deliver a speech, followed by a question and answer session.
Speakers: USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah; and Center for Global Development President Nancy Birdsall
WHERE: Reserve Officer's Association, One Constitution Avenue NE, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Jessica Brinton, 202-416-4040,; web site:

WHEN: 3:00 p.m.
WHAT: The Woodrow Wilson Center (WWC) Discussion on "A Dialogue on Managing the Planet."
Speakers: Dennis Dimick, Executive Editor of National Geographic; Molly Jahn, professor of the Departments of Agronomy and Genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Thomas Lovejoy, professor of environmental sciences and policy at George Mason University; and Juliet Eilperin, reporter at the Washington Post
WHERE: WWC, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-691-4000; web site:

WHEN: 3:30 p.m.
WHAT: The Center for Clean Air Policy Briefing on "Growing Wealthier: Smart Growth, Climate Change and Prosperity."
Speakers: Steve Winkelman, Transportation Program Director at the Center for Clean Air Policy; Chuck Kooshian, senior policy analyst at the Center for Clean Air Policy; and Christopher Leinberger, author of "The Option of Urbanism: Investing in a New American Dream"
WHERE: Room 406 Dirksen Senate Office Building
CONTACT: Jessica Gillman, 202-296-2002; web site:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

WHEN: 8:30 a.m.
WHAT: The Aspen Institute Education Innovation Forum and Expo:
- 8:30 a.m.: Education Secretary Arne Duncan; Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson; and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan deliver remarks on "Seizing the Moment for Education Innovation"
-- 9:45 a.m.: Assistant Deputy Education Secretary for Innovation and Improvement Jim Shelton; State Superintendent of Education in Louisiana Paul Pastorek; John Katzman, CEO of 2tor Inc.; Colorado state Sen. Mike Johnston; and Marguerite Kling, social studies teacher at Nature Coast Technical High School in Brooksville, Fla., deliver remarks on "Unleashing Innovation in Systems, Schools, and Classrooms"
- 3:15 p.m.: Carlos Watson, managing director of Goldman Sachs; Joel Klein, executive vice president at News Corporation; Chris Hoehn-Saric, senior managing director of Sterling Partners; Adarsh Sarma, managing director of Warburg Pincus; and Michael Moe, co-founder of NeXt Advisors, deliver remarks on "Leading Education Investors on Market Place Opportunities and Policy Challenges"
WHERE: Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt. Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-736-2299; web site:
NOTE: Media must RSVP

WHEN: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

WHAT: Brookings Institution Discussion on “Toward Public Participation in Redistricting.”


- Session 1: A Status Report on Redistricting in the United States

- Session 2: Redistricting Software Tutorial

- Session 3: Transparency and Public Participation

WHERE: Falk Auditorium, Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington D.C.

CONTACT:; 202-797-6105; web site:


WHEN: 9:30 a.m.
WHAT: The Middle East Policy Council Conference on "Israeli-Palestinian Peace: What is the U.S. National Security Interest And How Can It Be Achieved?"
Speakers: Bruce Riedel, senior fellow of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution; Frank Anderson, President of the Middle East Policy Council; Philip Wilcox, President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace; Brian Katulis, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress; and Thomas Mattair, Executive Director of the Middle East Policy Council
WHERE: Room 2168 Rayburn House Office Building
CONTACT: 202-296-6767; web site:
NOTE: RSVP to 202-296-6767 or

WHEN: 9:30 a.m.
WHAT: The Arms Control Association (ACA) Briefing on "Solving the Iranian Nuclear Puzzle." Speakers: Barry Blechman, co-founder of the Henry L. Stimson Center; Charles Ferguson, president of the Federation of American Scientists; Greg Thielman, ACA senior fellow; and ACA Executive Director Daryl Kimball
WHERE: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Alfred Nurja, 202-463-8270 ext. 114,; web site:

WHEN: 10:30 a.m.

WHAT: Heritage Foundation Discussion on “Staying True: How Conservatives Can Win in the 112th Congress.” Speaker: The Honorable Jim Jordan (R-OH), Member, U.S. House of Representatives, and Chairman, Republican Study Committee

WHERE: Lehrman Auditorium, 214 Massachusetts Ave, NE, Washington, DC.

CONTACT: Andrew Parks,; 202-546-4400; web site:


WHEN: 12:00 p.m.
WHAT: The Cato Institute Policy Forum on "The Future of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms."
Speakers: Alan Gura, partner of Gura and Possessky PLLC; Dennis Henigan, Vice President of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence; Nelson Lund, professor at the George Mason University Law School; Alan Morrison, professor at the George Washington University Law School; and Roger Pilon, Director of the Center for Constitutional Studies at the Cato Institute
WHERE: Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW, F.A. Hayek Auditorium, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-789-5200; web site:
NOTE: Register to, 202-789-5229 or online: by noon January 19.

WHEN: 1:00 p.m.
WHAT: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) News conference to discuss the agency's next Earth-observing satellite mission, Glory.
Speakers: Joy Brethauer, Glory Program Executive; Bryan Fafaul, Glory project manager; Michael Mishchenko, Glory project scientist; Greg Kopp, Total Irradiance Monitor instrument scientist; and Brian Cairns, Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor instrument scientist
WHERE: NASA Headquarters, 300 E Street SW, James Webb Auditorium, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Steve Cole, 202-358-0918,; web site:
NOTE: A conference call will also be available for those who cannot attend. RSVP to Trent Perrotto at 202-358-0321 or by 9 a.m. January 20 for call-in information.

WHEN: 2:00 p.m.
WHAT: The Marine Corps University Foundation; the Reserve Officers Association; and the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) Presentation on "The Geopolitics of Northern Mexico and the Implications for U.S. Policy."
Speakers: David Danelo of FPRI; George Frayson of FPRI and William and Mary; Andrew Selee of the Woodrow Wilson Center; and Robert Killebrew of the Center for a New American Security
WHERE: Reserve Officer's Association, One Constitution Avenue NE, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Alan Luxenberg, 215-732-3774 ext. 105,
NOTE: For webcast information register online:

WHEN: 4:00 p.m.
WHAT: The Woodrow Wilson Center (WWC) Discussion on "Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty: The Central Intelligence Agency and Beyond."
Speakers: A. Ross Johnson, senior scholar at WWC; Stephen Larrabee, Chair of European security at the RAND Corporation; Elez Biberaj, Division Director of Eurasia at Voice of America; and Martin Sletzinger, senior scholar at WWC
WHERE: WWC, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: 202-691-4000; web site:

WHEN: 6:30 p.m.
WHAT: The World Future Society Dinner meeting with a discussion on "China: Today, Tomorrow, and The Transition."
Speaker: Kenneth Hunter, senior fellow at the Maryland China Initiative at the University of Maryland
WHERE: Embassy Suites Hotel, Friendship Heights, 4300 Military Road, Washington, DC.
CONTACT: Jeff Cornish, 301-656-8274,; web site:
NOTE: Register online:

Friday, January 21, 2011

WHEN: 8:00 a.m.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors 79th winter meeting:
8:00 a.m.: U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk delivers remarks during a presentation of awards at the mayors and business leaders plenary breakfast.
- 10:00
a.m.: Assistant Attorney General Laurie Robinson; Bernard Melekian, Director of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services at the Justice Department; retired Rear Adm. James Arden Barnett, Chief of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission; Annise Parker, mayor of Houston; and Charles Werner, chief of the Charlottesville, Va. Fire Department, participates in a meeting of the Criminal and Social Justice Committee.
10:00 a.m.: Deputy EPA Administration Bob Perciasepe delivers remarks during a meeting of the Environment Standing Committee.
10:00 a.m.: Acting Commerce Undersecretary Rebecca Blank; and Treasurer of the United States Rosie Rios, participates in a meeting of the Metro Economies Standing Committee.
Capital Hilton Hotel, 1001 16th Street NW
Elena Temple, 202-309-4906; web site:
Register at

WHEN: 8:30 a.m.
The Aspen Institute Education Innovation Forum and Expo:
8:30 a.m.: Melody Barnes, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, participates in a discussion.
11:45 a.m.: Aneesh Chopra, federal chief technology officer at the White House Office of Science and Technology, discusses "Learning from Abroad: Lessons and Opportunities for Innovation in the U.S."
Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt. Vernon Place NW
202-736-2299; web site:
RSVP required.

WHEN: 8:30 a.m.
Inter-American Dialogue Discussion on a survey, "Political Culture of Democracy, 2010-Democratic Consolidation in the Americas During Hard Times." Speakers: Vanderbilt University Latin American Public Opinion Project Director Mitchell Seligson and Associate Director Elizabeth Zechmeister.
Inter-American Dialogue, 1211 Connecticut Avenue NW, suite 510
202-822-9002; web site:

2:30 p.m.
Attorney General Eric Holder, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Robert Kennedy's daughter and former Maryland lieutenant governor participate in a Justice Department ceremony to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Robert Kennedy's swearing in as U.S. attorney general. Jack Rosenthal, former chief press officer at the Justice Department; former Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights John Doar; Charlayne Hunter-Gault, first African American to graduate from the University of Georgia; and former Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach also participate.
Justice Department, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Great Hall
202-514-2007; web site:
All press must present government-issued photo ID (such as driver's license) as well as valid media credentials.

WHEN: 5:00 p.m.
The George Washington University (GWU) Elliott School of International Affairs Book discussion on "John F. Kennedy and the Race to the Moon." Speakers: Lori Garver, Deputy Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and author John Logsdon.
GWU Elliott School, 1957 E Street NW, Lindner Family Commons, room 602
202-994-8025; web site:

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