t's a great time to be a Conservative. It's only been a month since the election but we've already seen the Conservative-led Government rolling up its sleeves and working to bring more freedom, fairness and responsibility to our society.
So we've made a great start. But just because we're in government doesn't mean we can take it easy. There are still issues to campaign on, and local elections to prepare for.
We've got to make sure the party is ready for the challenges ahead, and that's what I and my fellow Co-Chairman Andrew Feldman have been working hard to do since we were appointed a few weeks ago.
Part of that is making sure our headquarters is fine-tuned for the new situation we're in. But most importantly it's about people like you helping us to keep up the momentum across the country.
After all - it's only because of your support and hard work over the last few weeks, months and years that we're in a position to bring our leadership and values to the country.

So it's important to stay involved - and I explain how you can in this video.
First things first - if you're not yet a member of the Party, this is a great time to join. You can join online now. It only takes a couple of minutes. Once you've done that, or if you're already a member, why not send this email on to ten friends who you think should join too.
If you become a member within the next few weeks you will be eligible to register for our first party conference since we came into government. Held at the start of October, it's in the great city of Birmingham and promises to be bigger and better than ever.
The earlier you apply to attend, the cheaper it is - so click here to register.
That's it from me for now. Thanks again for your continued support - I look forward to keeping in touch with you over the coming months.
Sayeeda Warsi
Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party
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